Who Am I? is the first book in a series
(The Who Am I? Series) that answers the big questions of life.
Does God exist?
Why is there evil and suffering in the world if there is a loving God?
Is God truly good?
What is the science of the day showing us about the God question?
Do we really know what we think we know?
Is that knowledge satisfying our life's issues?
Who am I?
These are just a few of the questions tackled in this first book. Who Am I? gives a broad view of what reality is and the worldview that accurately accounts for all of it.
This series will answer that question, and the journey begins with this book!
The Who Am I? Series of books work together to give a full picture of our identity by starting in book 1 with an explanation of all of reality. The following books explain humanity as a whole and finally the individual life-who you are, how you operate, and how to correctly use that knowledge. This information will help you make decisions that can change your life today and revolutionize the rest of your life's journey.
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dr. walter tracy
Dr. Walter Tracy is the founder of Vanguard Institute in Boerne, Texas, right outside of San Antonio, Texas.
He has been a leader in ministry and education for over 40 years. He is a proud father of 3, grandfather of 5, and currently the lead minister at Christian Character Ministries on the Vanguard Institute campus.
Dr. Tracy's first book in the series is a biographical and analytical approach to theology and modern christianity. Throughout Who Am I? he takes you through the critical moments in his life and his studies that revealed the truth of God's existence, as well as the scientific evidence that supports it.
Who Am I? is the first book in a series (The Who Am I? Series) that answers the big questions of life.
Does God exist? Why is there evil and suffering in the world if there is a loving God? Is God truly good? What is the science of the day showing us about the God question? Do we really know what we think we know? Is that knowledge satisfying our life's issues? Who am I?
These are just a few of the questions tackled in this first book. Who Am I? gives a broad view of what reality is and the worldview that accurately accounts for all of it.
In an honest pursuit of truth, Walt Tracy takes the reader on a detective's search in this first book of the series, and the answers found do not always follow the standard theology of the day and may not be politically correct. Fasten your seat belts for a book like no other that will challenge you to think deeply, reconsider areas you may have already "answered," and give you the information needed to truly satisfy the questions of this life. Do you really want to know who you are?
This series will answer that question, and the journey begins with this book! The Who Am I? Series of books work together to give a full picture of our identity by starting in book 1 with an explanation of all of reality.
The following books explain humanity as a whole and finally the individual life-who you are, how you operate, and how to correctly use that knowledge. This information will help you make decisions that can change your life today and revolutionize the rest of your life's journey.